
After God, only the www comes close to being omni-present. 除了上帝之外,网路是唯一好像无所不在的。

In Traditional Chinese In Simplified Chinese

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Welcome to Texana Love Stories (Other Stories) 欢迎造访德克桑湖的故事 (其他故事篇)

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(29) The Hottest Summer in Houson 休士顿最炎热的夏天(30) The Greatest Chapter-by-Chapter Novel -- Why Do I Translate the Bible? - 5(31) The Story of My Family(32) The Story of My Family - 2
(33) Middle East 中东(34) Hot Rod Engine 疯狂大修车(35) American Sashimi 美国生鱼片(36) To Heal the Scars of WWII 痊愈二战之疮口


(37) Stories of O. Henry 老亨利的故事(38) American Sashimi Deluxe 美国生鱼片(豪华版)(39) C Students C 学生(40) Florence Nightingale 南丁格尔
(41) Helen Keller 海伦凯勒(42) The World Belongs to Everybody 天下爲公(43) The Four Cornerstones of a Nation 礼义廉耻(44) ROC National Anthem 国歌


(45) A Tribute to Farmers 锄禾歌(46) Against Misty Banpingshan Mountain 油厂国校校歌(47) Filial Piety 孝经(48) River of No Return 叁国
(49) Your Cheating Heart -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant 移民心声(50) McDonald -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (2) 麦当劳 -- 移民心声(二)(51) Sir Thomas More -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (3) 良相佐国 -- 移民心声(三)(52) True to the Names -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (4) 名符其实 -- 移民心声(四)


(53) Battle of the Cool Beans -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (5) 淝水之战 -- 移民心声(五)(54) The Saw Dust – Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (6) 木屑 – 移民心声 (六)(55) Simple Mind, Simple Message, Simple Truth – Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (7) 纯心,纯信,纯实 – 移民心声 (七)(56) Narrow, Shallow and Extremely Expensive – Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (8) 狭窄,肤浅,而极端昂贵 – 移民心声 (八)
(57) The Four-Stroke Engine to Make a Nation Great – Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (9) 国家胜强的四衝程引擎 – 移民心声(九)(58) Courage to Lie - Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (10)(59) 美国劝世文(60) Build a Texas Abacus 01 -- What a Wonderful World! Cultural Activity 01


(61) Build a Texas Abacus 02 -- What a Wonderful World! Cultural Activity 01(62) Build a Texas Abacus 03 -- What a Wonderful World! Cultural Activity 01(63) Build a Texas Abacus 04 -- What a Wonderful World! Cultural Activity 01(64) The Chinese Culture Will Win -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (11)
(65) Build a Texas Abacus 05 -- What a Wonderful World! Cultural Activity 01(66) I Gift People With Shakespeare -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (12)(67) The Answer Is Blowing in The East -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (13)(68) 10 Steps to Make America Really Great!!! -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (14)


(69) A True Christian with Traditional Chinese Wisdom -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (15)(70) A Message to Would-Be School Shooters -- Voice from the Heart of an Immigrant (16)(71) The Comedy of Errors (1) in English and Taiwanese 英台对照莎士比亚戏剧:错误的喜剧(一)(72) The Comedy of Errors (2) in English and Taiwanese 英台对照莎士比亚戏剧:错误的喜剧(二)
(73) The Comedy of Errors (3) in English and Taiwanese 英台对照莎莎士比亚戏剧:错误的喜剧(三)(74) Build a Texas Abacus 06 -- What a Wonderful World! Cultural Activity 01(75) The Comedy of Errors (4) in English and Taiwanese 英台对照莎士比亚戏剧:错误的喜剧(四)(76) The Comedy of Errors (5) in English and Taiwanese 英台莎士比亚戏剧:错误的喜剧(五)


(77) The Taming of the Shrew (1) in English and Taiwanese 英台莎士比亚戏剧:赤妇就要娶 (一)(78) The Taming of the Shrew (2) in English and Taiwanese 英台莎士比亚戏剧:赤妇就要娶 (二)(79) We Type, We Sing, We Write, We Conquer -- Explore a Unique Language the Unique Way(80) Build a Texas Abacus (All Sections Combined)
(81) The Comedy of Errors (Whole Play)